Lt. Gov. Gregory R. Francis

My Responsibilities

Service Fees at the Office of the Tax Assessor

 Service Type


Tax Certification Letter


Tax Bill Copy


Paid Receipt Copy


Composite Tax Map


Property Valuation Letter


Appraisal Card Copy

$5.00 front of card

$5.00 back of card with improvements

& $2.00 each additional card without


Property Record Card

Computer Copy

$5.00 for 1st Page of property card on

each building then $2.00 each






Service Fees at the Cadastral Section

Registration of new surveys                    


3 Plots or less inch description excl. ROW & Easement

$15.00 per lot plus $10.00 for registration

4 plots or more inch description excl. ROW & Easement

$15.00 per lot plus $10.00 for registration

Right-of-Way (ROW)




Maps (sold by sizes)


"F", "G" , "D" (small)


 "A",  "B", "C" (large)


Island Cays


Water Resource Map


Sediment Map


Composite (Tax) Map


City Map


Island Map


Official Road Map


Topo (Aerial) Map


Coastal Zone Map ( CZM)


Earth Change Package

$85.00 & $90.00

Soil Map


Zoning Map


FEMA Flood Map


Certification of Survey Maps

$25.00 ea.

Attestation of deeds


All property under (1) acre including notation each lot

$20.00 per lot


All property over (1) acre including notation each lot

$25.00 per lot/acre

$10.00 per additional lot acre

Notation Only

$15.00 first lot and

$10.00 each additional lot

Town Property with Measure Brief


Expedite Fee for Attestation

(24 hrs. turn-around)


Extract From Records


Preparation of Measure Brief


Description ( Metes & Bounds)


Copy of Measure Brief


Adjacent Ownership Certification


Copying Services – Xerox (per page)




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